Founder Page
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Syed Safder Hussain
Authorized representative of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), Member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (CICC, previously known as ICCRC) and Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC).
Mr. Zaidi, the Manager-Global Operations at Canadian Dreamz is originally from Hyderabad, India. Mr. Zaidi graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication from Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India in 1997. He moved to Canada in 2008 and took up a job as a Retail Banking Officer with the Bank of Nova Scotia. Later, in 2009, he decided to quit his job and pursue the Masters of Business Administration in Marketing/Marketing Management degree from the Laurentian University in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. After the completion of his degree, he felt the need of establishing a consultancy to serve aspirants with visa and immigration services. In 2012, he decided to start Canadian Dreamz, a visa and immigration consultant firm to facilitate aspirants willing to travel to Canada with visa and immigration services.